
In Latin, “inspirare” means “to breathe or blow into”. To guide, to move, to shift energies.

It is not surprising that many of the early figurative senses of the word “inspire” share a connection with spirit, with life itself.

In Māori mythology, the first woman was created by the gods moulding her shape out of the earth. The god Tāne embraced her while breathing into her nostrils. She then sneezed and came to life as the first woman, Hineahuone. The traditional Māori greeting, the hongi, is performed by two people pressing their noses together and touching of foreheads: the “Hā”, “the breath of life”, is exchanged in a symbolic show of unity. “Aroha” (Love) also embodies the “Hā”, the life force. It seems inspiration animates souls.

No wonder that, when inspiration is missing from your life, you feel stuck. As if a dark force had stolen your essence and hid it in a box. It's like wandering through a labyrinth, meeting walls and infinite obstacles. 

It is presence. It is feeling alive, one with the whole wide world. Like a seagull, flying higher and higher. Like a warm embrace from the sun on your skin. Like becoming one with the ocean's salt water. Inspiration feels like being in love.

The good news is, in the digital era, although inspiration seems to be so far away, it is yet so close. Maybe it's in Canada. Or Belgium, Romania, UK, South Africa, Vietnam, USA, Guernsey, Germany, Israel. Or New Zealand. Or India. Or maybe it is right in front of your eyes.

We are here to help you discover the real Inspirators! The walking stories who breathe life and inspiration into their communities.

The global regeneration and sustainability voices who do not want to influence, but to inspire, by bringing their true selves to the table. The voices who do what they preach - in their business, and in their own lives. The ones who walk the regenerative talk. For real.